Every Monday Matters. After browsing through the impressive, yet small book collection on the shelves in Target, I passed by this book and immediately something about it inspired me to pick it up. I flipped through the pages, reading parts of it here and there, and then put it down. I told myself "No, I am not here to spend money on things I don't need...I came here for one item!" I walked away from the book area and fifteen minutes later, I found myself wandering back towards this book. I picked it up again and without giving it another thought, I threw it in my cart and added it to my "must read" list. When I got home I quickly jumped in my bed and curled up and started reading. Absolutely wonderful. This book is not a novel, it is merely a collection of passionate words designed to inspire an individual to make Mondays' matter, instead of dreading them as most people do. It includes 52 different ways, for each week in the year, to make Monday matter. And the best part about this is, the 52 ways include something as simple as to start exercising! Because collectively, if every one of us could practice these things, as effortless as some may seem, it WILL make a difference in the larger picture. What I love most about this book however, is the simplistic approach it has taken to capture the attention of the reader. In fact, I was moved by this book to the extent that after I read it that day, I went to the website and clicked on the "Contact Us" icon and let them know my thoughts on the book. I did this with the mindset that I knew they probably weren't going to be able to reply back but I wanted them to see the impact it has already had on at least one of its readers! Surprisingly enough, within a few days, I received an e-mail from one of the authors, Matthew, expressing his gratitude for my feedback. We exchanged a few e-mails regarding the book, and I let him know that I was very adamant about the ideas they expressed and I offered my help to enable the movement to grow. Matthew was even kind enough to give me a call and we talked for a while about why they wrote the book, and he shared with me other peoples' feedback he had received. I was utterly shocked that he took the time to even e-mail, nonetheless call me to discuss his new book. Because of the simple thoughts and ideas of two individuals, and the translation of their thoughts onto paper, a movement has begun. So if there is one thing you do this week, pick up the book Every Monday Matters, read it and live by it. Or at least visit their website (http://www.everymondaymatters.com) Also, look for updates on my blog about the myspace website I have started for the Every Monday Matters movement for the state of
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