Despaired, frightened, outraged, devastated, petrified. Any word in our very own dictionary could not put a finger on the range of emotions felt on September 11, 2001. Seven years later and the images of such anguish and fear still burns a hole into our hearts, giving us a painful reminder that it still feels like yesterday. No matter the age or background, time stopped for every American that day as we watched terror unfold through our television sets, or even physically through our own eyes amidst the chaos in the streets of New York. We will always remember where we were and what we were doing when the greatest country on earth suddenly felt powerless.
We leaned on strangers' shoulders for support and for comfort, we looked to friends for understanding, and we hugged our families a little tighter to remind ourselves to be thankful for being alive. Through stories of despondence and hope, we were able to give compassion to each other and prove to the world that we were strong and would pull through this with honor, dignity, and respect.
We will never forget those who were brave enough, courageous enough, and warm-hearted enough to volunteer to save lives, as well as the innocent victims who literally went to work and never came home. But despite the hurt and anger of lives lost, we cannot help but to turn this painful reminder into a positive light. We must use this day of patriotism and remembrance to remind ourselves that regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, background, or even political affiliation - we must stand united not only today but every day. We may have differing opinions, as it is in human nature to disagree, but support of country should take stronghold over such divisive issues if we wish to remain the great country of the United States of America. Go talk to a stranger today. Call an old friend. Tell your family you love them. Listen to what others have to say and embrace differences. Let these things become your nature and let yourself contribute to keeping this country united. God Bless.
1 comment:
Well said Roomie!! Love you :)
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