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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Inauguration Opening Concert

This morning, I woke up at 6:15 am, quickly layered up, and hopped on the metro to Washington, DC, in order to be in line for the opening of the gates at 8:00 am. Once inside, myself and three others placed our blankets over the chilled grass and brought out cards and snacks to keep ourselves occupied for the next 6 and 1/2 hours. We were attending the Inaugural Concert for the future President Barack Obama, which consisted of a lengthy list of performers and actors/actresses. From Bono to Beyonce, songs of unity and pride in country, as well as celebratory speeches, helped kick-off the most anticipated Inauguration in history. Some thought we were insane for being outside in the cold weather for the duration that we did, but we simply knew we were experiencing a piece of history.

I looked around at all the diverse faces of people who were filled with excitement and hope as they anxiously awaited the President-Elect to speak to them with words of encouragement about the future of our country. Always a brilliant orator, the President-Elect delivered a promising speech that filled the ears of the hundreds of thousands of people and left them feeling more empowered than ever before. This was not only a historic moment for African Americans in the United States of America and across the world, but this was a historic moment for every race and background in our country. Whether you voted for Obama or voted otherwise, we as a people must look forward to the future and celebrate the obstacles this country has overcome in regards to racial boundaries. Congratulations to the President-Elect, the Vice President-Elect, and to the United States of America.

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