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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mr. President - Day One

Following a day of celebration for President Obama and his family, reality sank in Wednesday morning when he started his first day on the job. Obama and his wife began their day at a prayer service at the National Cathedral, a long-standing tradition on the first day of a new administration. The Obama’s were joined by Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, as well as former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton, who would be sworn-in as Secretary of State later on.

The First-family also hosted a reception at the White House for 200 inauguration volunteers and other guests through an internet lottery. But not all was play, as President Obama displayed his efforts early on to revive the economy, map out a new course in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to showcase his hope for diplomacy between leaders of the Middle East.

Obama’s schedule included a session on the economy, in which he pledged to take pertinent steps in reviving. Following last week’s decision of approval for Obama to use $350 billion in leftover bailout money from the financial industry, he led the meeting on the economy which included discussion of the House Appropriations Committee movement toward approval of billions in new spending. These funds are all part of the economic stimulus package making its way to the executive desk for the President’s signature.

His schedule also included a session on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The new Commander in Chief held his first meeting in the Situation Room, along with Vice President Joe Biden and senior military and foreign policy officials. Obama campaigned on a pledge to withdraw U.S. combat forces from Iraq within 16 months, and to step up the commitment in Afghanistan. He placed several phone calls to Middle East leaders in pursuit of peace between Arab and Israeli forces, especially following the latest Israeli attacks on Hamas in the Gaza strip.

White House aides developed a draft of executive orders for the President on Guantanamo Bay, which was rumored to be signed as early as Thursday.
Among other things imposed by Obama on his first day, he implemented a ban on gifts by lobbyists to anyone serving in the administration. He also imposed a pay freeze for about 100 White House aides who earn $100,000 or more.

Meanwhile, the Senate confirmed Hillary Rodham Clinton as the new Secretary of State at the Capitol, while Secretary of Treasury-designate Timothy Geithner underwent his confirmation hearing. He was faced with brutal questions that he answered honestly, apologizing for having failed to pay $34,000 in taxes earlier years prior.

Let's hope that the pace of President Obama on day one remains throughout his Presidency - a pace of determination for the American people.


Mike said...

It really doesn't matter who the president is. The country will function as it always has. Slight policy changes may occur but overall very little can be accomplished by one man

Mike said...

Megan Smith said...

It does not matter who the President is - it just matters what he does. You're right when you say very little can be accomplished by one man, but collectively people can make changes here and there that will have an overall societal effect on the way things are. Integrity and accountability is key over these next four years and thereafter, for the people as well as the government.

Mike said...

I guess what I was trying to say is that to the average American, life really doesn't change much when presidents change. Policies change, the way we are viewed on the world stage changes, but me getting up and going off to my job doesn't change. Now I know that you might say that jobs may be lost without change, but I say that even if we switched presidents 2 years ago, the banking collapse would have still happened. The machine has gotten too big for it's parts and an overhaul of the system is needed. I believe in the founding fathers visions, but I also think that we need to examine the way things are done. I pay in 14'000 in taxes and get 2000 back. I know people that pay in 1000, have 2 kids and get 2000 back. Now that is crazy!

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