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Saturday, January 24, 2009

America the Beautiful

The video speaks for itself. Enjoy and share it with others.


Mike said...

You know what is interesting? The Bush administration will not be judged in history for many years. If Iraq were to become a thriving society(democratic) and the countries around were to become democracies, then Bush will be vindicated and look like a foreign policy genius. If Iraq falls back into a tribal rule then he will have perpetrated the largest blunder in U.S. foreign policy since vietnam. I personally think that Iraq was a blunder, I feel that if we just went in and got Bin Laden, and made an example of him, the battle in the war on terror could have stopped right there. I hope this country can get it's shining light back, finally putting an end to all this division amongst our citizens

Megan Smith said...

I actually just had a long conversation about that with a friend of mine. Since 9/11 and the War in Iraq are the defining factors of his eight years in office, President Bush might prove to be a great President a few years down the road, or a complete failure. As you said, it depends on if Iraq stabilizes itself into a functional democratic society or not. The only thing we can do is wait and see a few years down the road. I was actually thinking of doing more research to try and write a post about this whole topic.

Mike said...

I wish we could get more people to read these things! It takes time and energy to make these posts. I am new at this, I'm not very computer literate

Mike said...

Megan, check out He is very left wing,while I am more of a libertarian. He is a childhood friend of mine that I have not seen in 20 years, he is very bright and also entertaining. If you visit his site you may pull some more readers back to you!

Mike said...

where did you go?

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